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Going to College

  • 20-10-2005 10:42pm
    Registered Users Posts: 426 ✭✭

    Just looking for some advice, Im 23 currently and Im considering going to college would be hopefully doing physiotherapy. I never went to college as I had a job when I finished school, Id consider my self very experienced with 2 years Supervisior(management) experience, 1 year in I.T and 1 in sales and in told about 3 and a half years I.T experience.

    But I've found im not too happy with either the I.T stuff or the sales stuff and Ive actually like to become a physio. I just dont have a clue about going about it. I never had any interest in going to college until about 6 months ago. I dont think I did that good a Leaving cert, I did pass but majored in bussiness.

    I'd like some advice any would be helpful.



  • Registered Users Posts: 35,024 ✭✭✭✭Baggly

    there are a whole rake of mature student ladder systems for physio as i understand it.

    im not sure how one would apply, but some advice i would give is to go onto, find out what colleges do the course, and then ring their admissions desk and ask

    sorry, im not trying to foist you off, its just im not a career guidance councellor, and if i was in your shoes, thats what id do :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,836 ✭✭✭Vokes


    Whereabouts are you living? You should contact the colleges and ITs in your area directly. A lot of them would have a Mature Student Officer who you can chat too. Lots of colleges will set aside places each year for mature students (being 23 years of age on/before the 1st January 2006 for admission in Autumn 06).

    Also in your favour is that some colleges might take your work experience into account. For example from [url][/url] "In the case of Mature Applicants, 'other' experience, apart from performance in their examinations, can be taken into consideration - this may be work experience, further studies or other such experience deemed to be relevant to the application. The University will require satisfactory evidence of their ability to pursue and profit from the programme."

    About physiotherapy itself, the only course i can think of offhand (im sure there's lots more!) is the 4yr BSc in Physiotherapy in UCD. So you should contact UCDs Mature Student Officer and have a talk about it.

    Don't forget that you're still eligible for 'Free Fees' and maybe even a Local Authority Grant. And dont forget that mature students must apply by Feb 1st.
