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Photoshop help

  • 12-10-2005 4:59pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 410 ✭✭

    Im trying to design a page in photoshop but instead of having all square corners i want 2 curved ones and two square ones.

    Below is a pic of what i mean, anyone know how to do this in Photoshop CS.




  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,396 ✭✭✭✭Karoma

    Personally, I'd do it in Flash or something easier:)
    Alternatively,in PS: Freeform pen tool (Set as: Paths, Magnetic:Yes )

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 35,522 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    If you want a quick fix and don't want to learn vectors then just use the circle select tool. Hold down ctrl or shift while selecting a circle to get a perfect circle and fill it with a colour. Then duplicate it to the opposite corner and make a square with the square select tool, you may want to make fresh layers for each. Line them up and there you go.

    To get the line like above on the bottom left and right side you can use the stroke option on the blending tools.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 mangakiwi

    For that I would definitally use illustrator, If you dont got the cash (its like 300 bucks for a student version of the Adobe CS 2) then you can download the trial from adobe's website i think. The full thing is totally worth it though, it rocks my world.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 410 ✭✭bucks

    Yeah thats exactly what i want to do, just downloaded a demo of illustrator.
    Was it hard to do that design in it ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭soph

    hii, i usually click the the last icon at the end of the tools list that will send your file into Adobe Image Ready, and there you can get rounded corners,, very quickly too !!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,012 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    agree with soph, use imageready's curved mask tool, for some reason photoshop don't have no curved mask tool.

    here's what you do....

    select a new layer.

    select curved mask/marquee tool, set the radius at around 30 (this is on the top tool bar)

    drag mask/marquee tool, making your square/rectangle.

    select zoom tool, and zoom into one of the corners you want to un curve.

    now, select normal square mask/marquee tool.

    hold down shift, you'll see a little square beside your cursor, this means you can add a mask to existing mask.

    drag the mask over the curved corner, making it squared, make sure you're holding down shift when you do this.

    if you mess it up, undo and try again.

    repeat this for the other corner.

    select paint bucket.

    make sure anti alias is on, around 15 should do.

    fill mask.

    now go to select/modifycontract

    contract by 2, or play around with it to get thickness of border you want, image you provided looks like a 2 pixel border.

    the mask should have contracted by 2 pixels.

    hit delete

    you now have a nifty frame

    throw your stuff in the layer below it.

    here's a tip, after you've contracted your mask, fill it with the background colour you're using, contract the mask again and hit delete, nice border effect.

    did this make sence?

    you can also get this effect in photoshop, using a combination of the square mask tool and the circle mask tool.
