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Have your Dashboard look like Konfabulator!

  • 19-09-2005 6:54am
    Registered Users Posts: 3,191 ✭✭✭

    For those who don't know, there is a way to have your widgets active on the desk top like Konfabulator.

    Hit F12, open your Widget tray, drag the required Widget onto the desktop, keeping hold of it whilst you hit F12 again to close Dashboard and then just drop the Widget onto the desktop. Job done.

    This way is only temporary and you can only do one widget at a time.

    If you want them to stay on your screen all of the time, even after logging out, do this.

    Open the terminal and issue the following command

    defaults write devmode YES

    Then log out of your user and log back in. You have now just reloaded the Dashboard preferences with your change. To move a widget to the desktop where it will always be visible open your Dashboard environment and activate the Widget toolbox by clicking on the + button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen (Option – Apple - (plus/equal) will also accomplish this). Click and drag the widget you want into the Dashboard area and then close dashboard using your hotkey command! The widget now will remain on your desktop until you close it while in the Dashboard environment.

    With Dashboard we can have our cake and eat it to.

