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Password Protected Folders - XP

  • 10-09-2005 11:01am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 175 ✭✭


    Is it possible to password protect a normal folder on Windows XP?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 harbottle

    I am sure if you are using the NTFS system then yes you can

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 175 ✭✭vgar

    Yeah I have the drive formatted using the NTFS system. So how do you actually password protect the folders? I've tried right clicking but there is no option there. Even tooka look at the properties of the folders, but nothing there either.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,968 ✭✭✭jcoote

    not sure but i think if u right click go to properties and sharing and security its in there

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,117 ✭✭✭Gazza22

    You can buy software to do this...

    I'm not very knowledgeable on doing this through NTFS but there is a way to password protect folders on XP

    Create a Compressed (zipped) folder on the desktop.

    Then add whatever files/folders that need protecting into it.

    Open windows explorer, go to file/open file and open the compressed folder you just made.

    Then right click while in this folder and down the bottom of the menu you will see "Password Protect"

    Create your password, close the browser and then you wont be able to get into any file in that folder without a password (you don't have to ever open it in browser again, just place it anywhere on the comp you want and open the folder from there normally)

    Hope that helps...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 262 ✭✭Malafus

    Was just about to post saying pretty much the same thing.
    There is no native folder protection on WinXP, afaik. The easiest way to do it is indeed to make a zip archive, and put whatever you want to protect in there.

    Other than this, you could get special encryption software, but I've yet to find a free one. A 'free' one, yes, but not a free one.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,931 ✭✭✭Ginger

    If you are using XP Pro

    In My Computer, Click tools, Folder Options, Click View and scroll all the way to the bottom and uncheck Use Simple File Sharing.

    Click Apply, OK

    Now you should have the security tab for your folders allowing you to set the permissions on the folders and enable restricted access to your files.

    I dont know if this is the case with XP Home at the moment (as I have never used that version of the OS)

    You will also need the File System to be NTFS on the drive that you want to use the permissions on.

    If you cant set the permissions or change them and the system complains about object inheritence click Advanced on the security tab and uncheck the box inherits permissions.

    Click copy for the moment and then change your permissions on the folders accordingly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 822 ✭✭✭Kastro

    theres a program called 7zip which compresses the files on avrage 7 times more than winzip...

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 94,252 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    Kastro wrote:
    theres a program called 7zip which compresses the files on avrage 7 times more than winzip...
    yes it compresses better than winzip but not 7 times as much , also unlike winzip it's free

    NTFS protection of files only stop other windows users with less rights from seeing the files, any user setup as admin can take ownership and NTFSDOS will allow the files to be seen from a dos boot disk or you can use most live linux disks to read the files.

    Encrypted NTFS (green folders) can encrypt files so only that user can see them but beware if you havent made a backup floppy of the encryption key then you will loose your files forever if windows crashes badly. ( can't remember if this feature is in Home because the only differences between it and PRO are for marketing reasons not technical ones )

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Encrypted NTFS (green folders) can encrypt files so only that user can see them but beware if you havent made a backup floppy of the encryption key then you will loose your files forever if windows crashes badly. ( can't remember if this feature is in Home because the only differences between it and PRO are for marketing reasons not technical ones )
    It's not in XP Home Edition. The setting is there alright but its always grayed out and you can't enable it.
