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msn and windows messanger

  • 14-08-2005 11:32am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 154 ✭✭

    i was using WM until i downloaded msn. but i everytime i turn on my computer i always sign in in WM and msn. does any1 know how to get WM so i can just use msn.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,151 ✭✭✭Thomas_S_Hunterson

    i just got pissed off with it and found the WM folder in program files and deleted it, not the best way to uninstall software admittedly, and i probably should have done it a better way but i haven't had any trouble,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭djmarkus

    Actually, that probably is the best way with windows messenger, f%king annoying piece of software

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 156 ✭✭scion

    Try This...

    This should remove windows messenger and leave the version of msn messenger you have installed.

    Personally I use neither, with Trillian i can sign into msn, icq, irc, aim, yahoo messenger etc at the same time using the one program.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,269 ✭✭✭MrVestek

    scion wrote:
    Try This...

    This should remove windows messenger and leave the version of msn messenger you have installed.

    Personally I use neither, with Trillian i can sign into msn, icq, irc, aim, yahoo messenger etc at the same time using the one program.
    As you can with countless other free open source aps, such as Gaim.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,967 ✭✭✭CrowdedHouse

    What I did was rename it MessengerDisabled
    Its under C - Program Files.
    It stops it running and it's there intact and easy to find
    in the unlikely event that you might need it again

    my 2c

    Seven Worlds will Collide

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,714 ✭✭✭marco murphy

    Start Run - MSCONFIG- Startup - Uncheck winmessanger

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 94,252 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    IIRC xpantispy had an option for MSN disable/removal

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,468 ✭✭✭matt-dublin

    go to add remove programs in the control panel.
    then click add/remove windows components and uncheck the box that says windows messenger

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 516 ✭✭✭jubbly

    i think you can uninstall the old version of messenger and leave the new version of messenger by going to start control panel,settings add remove windows components. You will see messenger there and it just needs to be unchecked :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,269 ✭✭✭MrVestek

    Nope, on default WinXP installs the option to uninstall Windows messenger isn't there. To enable it, you need to mess with a script file, which I can't remember at this present moment in time.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,942 ✭✭✭Mac daddy

    Open Windows Messenger or MSN Messenger, Go to Tools->Options. Click on the Preferences Tab. Then un-check "Run This program when Windows Starts."

    Then If you use Outlook Express also go to tools->options in OE then uncheck "Automatically log on to MSN Messenger Service. (You may have to do this in Outlook also.)

    Or In Windows XP, Navigate to (regedt32): start /run / regedit / HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and delete MSMSGS.

    Click on Start, Run and type in MSCONFIG
    Click on the startup tab and find msmsgs
    There's a check box beside that; deselect it.
    Click on Ok, at the prompt click on Restart Windows Now
    Once you restart you'll get a dialog box telling you that you've messed with the system's startup, again with the check boxes just click the checkbox telling it not to restore the startup and you should be ok.

    find the program file called Messenger (Found under C:\Program Files\Messenger) and rename the main folder to something else like add a 3 or another number or something like an upside down ? so the folder would look something like C:\Program Files\Messen3er
    Doing this causes the startup program to return an error of not being able to find the path to msmsgs.exe therefore causing it to not startup with Windows.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,269 ✭✭✭MrVestek

    Mac daddy wrote:
    Open Windows Messenger or MSN Messenger, Go to Tools->Options. Click on the Preferences Tab. Then un-check "Run This program when Windows Starts."

    Then If you use Outlook Express also go to tools->options in OE then uncheck "Automatically log on to MSN Messenger Service. (You may have to do this in Outlook also.)

    Or In Windows XP, Navigate to (regedt32): start /run / regedit / HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and delete MSMSGS.

    Click on Start, Run and type in MSCONFIG
    Click on the startup tab and find msmsgs
    There's a check box beside that; deselect it.
    Click on Ok, at the prompt click on Restart Windows Now
    Once you restart you'll get a dialog box telling you that you've messed with the system's startup, again with the check boxes just click the checkbox telling it not to restore the startup and you should be ok.

    find the program file called Messenger (Found under C:\Program Files\Messenger) and rename the main folder to something else like add a 3 or another number or something like an upside down ? so the folder would look something like C:\Program Files\Messen3er
    Doing this causes the startup program to return an error of not being able to find the path to msmsgs.exe therefore causing it to not startup with Windows.

    The more detailed answer that I just couldn't have been arsed giving lol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,842 ✭✭✭steveland?

    Start Run - MSCONFIG- Startup - Uncheck winmessanger
    Actually you have to untick msmsgs and leave MsnMsgr ticked, click apply and then ok and then next time you startup the problem will go away
