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Pet dog advice

  • 01-08-2005 12:10am
    Registered Users Posts: 5,045 ✭✭✭

    Im sure this thread has been put up before but I was wondering could anyone recommend a particuliar breed of dog that would be good for me? Im 20 and still living at home and looking to get a dog. I have n't had much experience looking after a dog. The last dog I had I must have been 10, so its been a while. Im around quite a bit but at the same time with college and work I would nt want to get a particuliar breed of dog that is very energetic only for it to be pottering around the house and garden while Im not there. The other important thing is that when I was 13 I had a bit of a bad experience with a dog. I'll spare you the details but the end result was me being alot more aprehensive about being around dogs.
    So you might be asking why is a guy that is well at times fearful around dogs wanitng to get one? The thing is before that I loved dogs and I don't want that 1 silly incident to effect me anymore and I want to get over this irrational fear so I can enjoy having a dog again.
    This was a whole lot longer than planned. I hope this is n't a stupid question. If its not it be briillaint if anyone could recommend a particuliar breed that might suit me.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭Sigma Force

    Between college and work it sounds like you will be away a lot, mabey a pair of smaller, gentle oap dogs would be better, there are lots of older dogs who just want to potter around and have a place to sleep and little short walks.

    Any breed of dog you get that is going to be young or middle aged will need a lot of walking so mabey an older dog that has a good few years left in them but is quiet and even tempered would suit you.

    Best thing to do is contact some of the rescues in your area, many of them have older dogs in foster or in the rescue that might have been there for a while so they will know all their traits and quirks and can fit one to suit your needs and the dogs needs.

    Some breeds are more gentle than others but the breed of dog doesn't always guarantee the dog will be even tempered it depends on their history and how they have been brought up.

    I think it's great that you are taking the first step after your bad experience.
    This link will give you loads of pictures of dogs up for adoption and also lots of information on what the dog is like and what kind of home they will need

    If there are decent humane dog training classes in your area it might be worth going to them with the dog when you get him/her it will give you lots of information on dog behaviour, the more you understand how a dog works the less nervous you will be.

    Best of luck with your pooch search, hopefully you will find one that suits.
