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InfraView to ACDsee

  • 14-07-2005 11:59pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭

    I have InfraView and it's good but I prefer the way you browse etc with ACDsee, the way I had ACDsee was that when you click an image file, it would open in full screen, it would have the image at actual size and if the image was too big it would reduce it to fit the screen keeping the proportions. If you double left click, it would bring you to the browser where you can see thumbnails and a navigation menu on the left. If you right click you get options for viewing etc. If you took it out of fullscreen, the window would not resize to suit the image, it would stay the same size so when you click from a large image to a small image if you are using the arrows, it wouldn't change the position of the button you were pressing. You could scroll through the images with the wheel, page up/down and it wouldn't attempt to open MP3 files or other files it couldn't open. I prefer ACDsee but infraview is freeware :rolleyes:

    If there is a way to make it identical to ACDsees system, please point out the options I need to choose, I have had a good look but just can't get the right combo :confused:



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭Spunog UIE

    yip you can do most of what your looking to do.

    First the image resizing thing. If you want it to open an image in a maximised window, not full screen, then theres a few things you need to do.

    1. View>display options> Only fit big images to window.
    - Then go to Options>Properties>Viewing, and make sure that fit to screen large images only is selected.

    To open an image in full screen, i.e. covering taskbar etc then the setting for this is under Properties>Misc 1

    Press enter to go to maximised from fullscreen and vice versa, esc ... escapes :)

    2. For viewing only images while your scroll through a folder etc and not music or video files you have to go to Options>Properties>Extensions> Then click, images only, then click, load only associated types while moving through the directory.

    3. To see thumbnails press T at any time.

    Ya should prob also look through all the mis options theres a few things to suit your own tastes there like the notify of begining end of all files etc that you might want to turn off.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,847 ✭✭✭✭cormie

    Thanks for the help, it didn't get it exactly the way I wanted it, but it certainly improved it, I don't think it's capable of being the way ACDsee was:(
