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A&J and Priam - Dorans, 12th July

  • 16-06-2005 5:46pm
    Registered Users Posts: 38


    Alex&Jamie (aka The Two Swordsmen), a Flamenco/Jazz guitar duet that'll set your soul on fire with their furious flamenco rhythms and improvisational mayhem( :rolleyes: ) and Priam, an Alternative/Indie band with unreal vocal harmonies and brilliant songwriting talent, are converging in what will hopefully be a very enjoyable , eclectic night, with influences coming from all over the place.

    Admission 5euro and Drinks only 3euro.

    Its our first big gig of the summer, kind of kicking off the Dublin summer gigging scene for as (we're doing our LC right now), and so Itd be cool to see people there!
