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Weekend of Poker and debauchery (and possibly golf) v2

  • 11-06-2005 12:55pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,666 ✭✭✭

    Let's try this on it's own and see if there is any interest in a weekend away. There's a poll and it's public. Please only vote if you are interested in going (this is why it is public).

    Are people interested in weekend away? Somewhere in Ireland, UK/europe?

    For discussion:
    -Where do people prefer? why?
    -Do we want real live cardroom action or just playing in a hotel with other boardies?
    -Do we need golf, vegasesque *dance bars*, casino?
    -Any legal issues if we go with a hotel in ireland somewhere?
    -when? (I'm thinking after holiday season so perhaps september?)

    ....and of course whatever i've forgotten

    Do people want ot go on a weekend away? 13 votes

    Ireland somewhere
    UK/Europe somewhere
    WaylanderDapperGentbitemeMadsLImposterIagoDub13bohsmanCulchieHitman ActualTournequeOilBeefHooked2shaydy 13 votes
