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Gmail Problem Fix

  • 08-06-2005 10:52am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,691 ✭✭✭

    I recently had a lot of trouble with my Gmail account where I could log into it in work but not at home, emailed the Google team and they mailed this back to me. Worked a treat.
    Just thought Id post it up because Ive seen a few people with the same error

    Thanks for your report. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have

    To fix this problem, please try logging in to your account through our
    secured interface. Secure HTTPS access is available via Simply paste this URL in your browser and then
    log in to Gmail. Please be sure to use this exact URL, with no characters
    after '.com.'

    It may also be necessary to disable third-party firewall, anti-virus, or
    ad-blocking software (for example, Norton Firewall or Anti-Virus). Please
    close all open browser windows and disable such software. Open a new
    browser window, and adjust your privacy and security preferences. To
    adjust these preferences in Internet Explorer, please follow the steps

    1. Click the 'Tools' menu at the top of your browser, and select 'Internet
    2. Click the 'Privacy' tab at the top of the dialogue box, and select
    3. Click the 'Edit' button, and enter '' into the 'Address of
    Web site' field.
    4. Select 'Allow' to override the handling of particular cookies.
    5. Click the 'Security' tab at the top of the dialogue box, and change the
    'Security level for this zone' to 'Low.'
    6. Click 'OK.'

    Next, clear your browser's cache. To clear your browser's cache in
    Internet Explorer, please follow the steps below:

    1. Click the 'Tools' menu at the top of your browser, and select 'Internet
    2. Click the 'General' tab at the top of the dialogue box.
    3. Click 'Delete Files' under 'Temporary Internet files.'
    4. Select 'Delete all offline content' by checking the box.
    5. Click 'OK.'

    Finally, open a new browser window and log back in to Gmail.

    If you continue to encounter difficulties, please respond to this message,
    and we'll be happy to investigate the issue further.


    The Gmail Team
