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Child Molesters/Sexual Predators

  • 19-04-2005 5:16pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 579 ✭✭✭

    With ever growing number of dangerous sexual predators abducting young children pretty much globally now a days, what would be a viable penalty?..I think personally it should be a prison sentance and castaration if the crime is against young children. I think it would definately make these sick f'ks think twice before they act. Anyone else have an opinion on how they should be punished?



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    ...........sick f'ks think twice before they act. Anyone else have an opinion on how they should be punished?

    I think you have managed to, inadvertently I think, hit the nail on the head. For the most part the perpetrators are actually sick. I mean sick in the proper sense of the word. I think it is widely accepted now that child molesters do suffer from a mental illness or at least a “defect.” Abuse of children is an incredibly emotive subject and I think very hard to discuss rationally. I have a problem with mentally ill people being punished for crimes they may not have been able to stop themselves from carrying out. I feel the same way whether it is someone who is mentally ill stealing something, killing someone, assaulting someone or molesting a child.

    I have never been the victim of molestation nor have either of my children, this allows me to look at it in an objective way. I like to think that even if circumstances were different I could still hold the same opinion, but I am not sure I could. So, I my cosy objective line of thinking it come down to “mad or bad” for me. I a person is unable to control their urges, due to mental illness, I don’t think they should necessarily be punished. I think they should be treated, if possible. Of course there will always be those that cannot be treated. I don’t really know what to do with them, I suppose long term incarceration is an option. I am sure we will get many very inventive things to do with them suggested as this thread develops.

    I do not believe anyone should have their life or any of their faculties removed as a punishment. There are too many cases of innocent people being convicted of crimes they are not guilty of.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 312 ✭✭Eoghan-psych

    Exactly. By all means isolate offenders from society [as we do with *all* sick people] and treat them.

    Retribution - the old "get the sick *&%£ards" approach - is just plain silly. It doesn't help the victims, and it doesn't help the perpetrator. It's stupid and pointless.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Chemical castration, a lobotomy and put them to work sweeping the streets.
    Simple really if you don’t get over emotional about it. This way they are no longer a danger but can lead a productive life with some quality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,276 ✭✭✭Memnoch

    in a lot of cases i believe such people are those who have themselves been the victim of such crimes when they were children.

    I'm not sure if there is a link or if it's unclear but there seems to be some kind of desensitizing process that normalises the whole concept of paedophilia for these people.

    The real question to ask however, is why weren't these kids treated when they were young (presuming it's possible) for such violence committed against them. More importantly, who is responsible for these people turning into adults without ever having recieved some kind of treatment for what happened to them.

    It's easy to point a direct finger at them and sentence them to whatever. But it seems like further victimisation of people that may have been victims themselves. But i think the focus should more be on prevention. Perhaps also to encourage people with such urges to commit themselves to treatment before they harm someone.

    Prevention is much more likely to protect children than any threat of punishment. After all capital punishment in many countries hasn't had a positive effect on the crimes it's supposed to prevent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,132 ✭✭✭Dinner

    I agree with MrPudding. Child molesters do need help.

    While some sort of punishment is probably required, I dont think death or castration is the way to go. Mental help is what sould happen.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,746 ✭✭✭pork99

    If one group of criminals needs to be electronically tagged it's child molestors. They should get any treatment available but they should also be obliged to wear electronic tags all the time.

    I'm not saying their movements should be known to the general public (don't want any more mobs attacking the homes of paediatricians) but their local police should know exactly where they are 24/7.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    Thaed wrote:
    Simple really if you don’t get over emotional about it.

    Which is exactly what you are doing, getting over emotional.


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    I like tagging. I think it is a great alternative to jail for petty criminals.

    I think it is an excellent idea for child molesters, in conjunction with treatment.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭Nasty_Girl

    I think there was a thread similar to this before.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    In some cases treatment will help if the person was a victum when they were a child; other then that Pedophilia is a sexual orination.
    You can no more deprogram them then you could deprogram a hextrosexual.
    But you can ensure they dont offend ie ruin a child and a families life, and with out locking them away and making us pay silly amount of money for it, ie see my post above.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    With ever growing number of dangerous sexual predators abducting young children pretty much globally now a days
    Are we sure there actually is a growing number, or is it just we now have Sky News and we notice more?
    I think personally it should be a prison sentance and castaration if the crime is against young children.
    What would castaration do? It doesn't stop from sexually assaulting a person.

    People who commit violent crimes due to mental illness, be they sexual or not, should be given rebuilation. Simply locking them up does nothing.
    I think it would definately make these sick f'ks think twice before they act. Anyone else have an opinion on how they should be punished?

    You talk as if it is a rational choice they make. Having a harsh punishment will not stop someone because they do it out of instinctive need not out of rational. Likewise simply locking them up will not make them reconsider what they were doing. It doesn't work like that

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭pretty-in-pink

    Hard to know if the amount of kids being abducted or abused is rising, its only know really we are finding out what happened in the sixties and seventies, and every so often the eighties,

    This thread is nearly exactly what we had before.

    For the purpose of the argument could I get a definition of what we say a child is (age range) and what we say an adult is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭Evil Phil

    Thaed wrote:
    In some cases treatment will help if the person was a victum when they were a child; other then that Pedophilia is a sexual orination.
    You can no more deprogram them then you could deprogram a hextrosexual.
    But you can ensure they dont offend ie ruin a child and a families life, and with out locking them away and making us pay silly amount of money for it, ie see my post above.

    They are pedophiles not pedosexuals. While they do get sexual release from the abuse they inflict its about power and the infliction of suffering. They are deviants, not sexually oriented. But lets say it is a sexual orientation: At what age does it stop being a sexual orientation and become rape? I don't think rapist is a sexual orientation either.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 648 ✭✭✭landser

    With ever growing number of dangerous sexual predators abducting young children pretty much globally now a days, what would be a viable penalty?..I think personally it should be a prison sentance and castaration if the crime is against young children. I think it would definately make these sick f'ks think twice before they act. Anyone else have an opinion on how they should be punished?

    Firstly, there is no evidence that child molesatation or child abduction is any more prevalent now than before. As Wicknight said above, News Corp. may want you to be afraid, but you shouldn't. Your child is more likely to be killed by a donkey than abducted... if you are worried about this happening to your kids, stop... overprotection of children and not allowing them out of one's house/sight is something which the public at large should be more concerned by. we could be creating a generation of paranoid social recluses.

    secondly, the threat of castration will do nothing to prevent molestation, no more than capital punishment was ever shown to deter the act of murder. Further, the molestation of children is as much about domination as sex and castration will do little to help this. If you wanted a medieval punishment that works, you'd be better off cutting off their hands so they couldn't feel up the kids

    Likewise, while tagging is attractive, it may be a little ott. how long do you tag for... in finitum??

    Prison and rehab of some sort is the best option. I have no problem with capital punishment of corporal punishment myself, when it can be shown to be a deterrent...unfortunately it almost invariably is not

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Wicknight wrote:
    Are we sure there actually is a growing number, or is it just we now have Sky News and we notice more?

    Well, it's impossible to answer that one for certain, since in the olde days records were not kept as thoroughly as today.
    Wicknight wrote:
    What would castaration do? It doesn't stop from sexually assaulting a person.

    Castration would put an end to their ability to function in a sexual manner, and with that, often the sexual desire itself is gone.
    Wicknight wrote:
    People who commit violent crimes due to mental illness, be they sexual or not, should be given rebuilation. Simply locking them up does nothing.

    Where do you draw the line with the mental illness excuse. If someone likes raping women, or murdering people, and they feel compelled to do these things, then are they mentally ill or just evil people?
    Wicknight wrote:
    You talk as if it is a rational choice they make. Having a harsh punishment will not stop someone because they do it out of instinctive need not out of rational. Likewise simply locking them up will not make them reconsider what they were doing. It doesn't work like that

    You talk as if these people are mindless automatons who have no control over any actions they take. I think that is rubbish, people always have a choice, and they always make the choice. Indeed, with child molestors they often groom potential victims and elaborately plan the crimes far in advance of carrying them out. That is hardly a moment of madness, it is premeditated, and they make many choices along the way to carrying out these deeds. locking them up will at least offer a measure of protection to society.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Kernel wrote:
    Well, it's impossible to answer that one for certain, since in the olde days records were not kept as thoroughly as today.
    Well by "olde" I mean the 60s,70s,80s not 12th century.
    Kernel wrote:
    Castration would put an end to their ability to function in a sexual manner, and with that, often the sexual desire itself is gone.
    I am sorry but that shows a lack of understanding of what pedophilia is, or what castration actually does. Castration would do nothing to stop it.
    Kernel wrote:
    Where do you draw the line with the mental illness excuse. If someone likes raping women, or murdering people, and they feel compelled to do these things, then are they mentally ill or just evil people?
    "Evil people" exist only in movies. The concept of "evil" is stupid and counter productive when applied to sexual predetors. It ignores the fact that a lot of these people have mental illness that causes them to desire these things, a mental illness that can often be helped with rehab. Calling them evil and saying it is their fault is all about the blame game, which does nothing to actually solve the problem that you have a person who desires to sexual assault people.

    You can blame the pedophilie all you want, you can call him evil and tell him he is going to burn in hell. But it won't do anything to stop him doing it again. Rehab can, possibly, prevent reoffending. Why would you not want to put these people in rehab? Rehab isn't a reward, or something that the offender enjoys. It is not done for there benefit, it is done to stop them reoffending which is for our benefit.

    Kernel wrote:
    You talk as if these people are mindless automatons who have no control over any actions they take. I think that is rubbish, people always have a choice, and they always make the choice.

    Saying they had a choice and there should be punished for the choice they made is all well and good, but it only works to prevent re-offending if the person then because of the punishment has the ability to decide not to do it again. An example would be a kid steals a car, does a year in prision and says hated that won't steal a car again. That doesn't work with mentally ill sexual offenders. Firstly they often never believe they have actually done something wrong. Secondly they have a desire to commit these crimes which cannot be controlled as easily as you believe. They need rehab to help them control it and to realise what they are doing is wrong, otherwise they will reoffend, even if they risk prision time.

    Kernel wrote:
    Indeed, with child molestors they often groom potential victims and elaborately plan the crimes far in advance of carrying them out. That is hardly a moment of madness, it is premeditated, and they make many choices along the way to carrying out these deeds. locking them up will at least offer a measure of protection to society.
    I have never said it was a moment of madness. It is nearly always premeditated, planned and often carried out in high risk. The risk is sometimes part of the kick. That is even more reason why the threat of prision does not stop these people, so punishing them for there "choices" does nothing to stop them from making the choice again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Wicknight wrote:
    I am sorry but that shows a lack of understanding of what pedophilia is, or what castration actually does. Castration would do nothing to stop it.

    No, I do understand the psychology behind it, the control etc. etc. But many of these sexual predators are driven by a sexual desire. If castrated they will no longer have this sexual desire. In the same way as Eunuchs of old were castrated to stop them indulging in the masters harem.

    Wicknight wrote:
    "Evil people" exist only in movies. The concept of "evil" is stupid and counter productive when applied to sexual predetors. It ignores the fact that a lot of these people have mental illness that causes them to desire these things, a mental illness that can often be helped with rehab. Calling them evil and saying it is their fault is all about the blame game, which does nothing to actually solve the problem that you have a person who desires to sexual assault people.

    You can blame the pedophilie all you want, you can call him evil and tell him he is going to burn in hell. But it won't do anything to stop him doing it again. Rehab can, possibly, prevent reoffending. Why would you not want to put these people in rehab? Rehab isn't a reward, or something that the offender enjoys. It is not done for there benefit, it is done to stop them reoffending which is for our benefit.

    You really ought to come down from the clouds and live in the real world. Of course evil people exist. Our definition and understanding of evil as a concept may be open to interpretation, but amoral and bad people exist, so where does your idea of mental illness end? We (society) have accepted standards of what is right and wrong. People with a grotesque disregard for this behaviour are known as evil people. But you are getting into another discussion for humanities here, so I digress.

    To a large part we are all ruled by our brain chemistry, so anyone who commits any bad acts is just mentally ill? The yob who stabs a pensioner, the racist who beats an ethnic minority member to death, the man who kills a small animal for the fun of it etc etc. Are they all mentally ill too? The mentally ill card gets played far too often in our justice system imo.

    Rehab is great if the person going to rehab is willing to change, and if they are not driven by a compulsion. Many of these deviants are serial offenders after all. Get real man!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 312 ✭✭Eoghan-psych

    Kernel wrote:
    You really ought to come down from the clouds and live in the real world. Of course evil people exist. Our definition and understanding of evil as a concept may be open to interpretation, but amoral and bad people exist, so where does your idea of mental illness end? We (society) have accepted standards of what is right and wrong. People with a grotesque disregard for this behaviour are known as evil people. But you are getting into another discussion for humanities here, so I digress.

    The point was that 'evil' is an adjective, not a noun. It can only be used to *describe* behaviour, not explain.

    The yob is evil *because* he stabbed the pensioner, he didn't stab the pensioner *because* he is evil.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    The point was that 'evil' is an adjective, not a noun. It can only be used to *describe* behaviour, not explain.

    The yob is evil *because* he stabbed the pensioner, he didn't stab the pensioner *because* he is evil.

    Ah come on, you want to go down that road? Explain it.. hmm.. nature (genes/brain physiology) + nurture (mommy didn't show enough attention, dad was a bastard etc.) = Evil bastard || Normal person. Who can factor all the variables into the equation as to how it happens, but it does happen.

    Evil can be a noun too, and we use it to explain lowlife anti-social degenerates. Are you really so pedantic?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Kernel wrote:
    No, I do understand the psychology behind it, the control etc. etc. But many of these sexual predators are driven by a sexual desire. If castrated they will no longer have this sexual desire. In the same way as Eunuchs of old were castrated to stop them indulging in the masters harem.
    Castration prevents someone from actually having sexual activity, it doesn't prevent sexual desire, as anyone with a fixed dog who continues to hump table legs will tell you.

    Kernel wrote:
    You really ought to come down from the clouds and live in the real world. Of course evil people exist. Our definition and understanding of evil as a concept may be open to interpretation, but amoral and bad people exist, so where does your idea of mental illness end?
    "Good" and "evil" do not exist in any logical or scientific manner that can be applied to the actions and motivations of someone. It is just a lay term we use to describe things we find horrific. Dismissing someone or someone's actions as simply being "evil" is pointless and ignores the actual causes and effects of the situation. You saw this a lot with the school shootings in America. People couldn't understand how kids could shoot other kids in such cold blooded manner, so they simply dismissed the kids as "evil" as if evil is a medical condition. It completely ignored the reasons the kids did what they did and how their environment had warped their humanity, and sense of right and wrong. And most importantly it ignored how to stop it happening again.
    Kernel wrote:
    To a large part we are all ruled by our brain chemistry, so anyone who commits any bad acts is just mentally ill?
    I am not quite sure what you mean by "just mentally ill?"

    Would you say the guy who stabs his mother was just a psychopath with parainoid delusions? Or the woman who shoots her 4 kids and then herself was just bi-polar manic depressive?

    There is no just about it, the mental condition of the person is the reason they do these things.

    Kernel wrote:
    The mentally ill card gets played far too often in our justice system imo.
    I am not quite sure where you got this idea that the "mentally ill card" lets people away with these things. It doesn't. If you blow your wifes head off because you think she is actually a demon from the 3rd realm of hell you are obviously very mentally disturbed but you still spend your life in a maximum security wing of a mental hospital.

    Kernel wrote:
    Rehab is great if the person going to rehab is willing to change, and if they are not driven by a compulsion. Many of these deviants are serial offenders after all. Get real man!

    What you said is almost exactly back to front.

    Prision is great if the person going to prision is willing to change and if they are not driven by a compulsion. Otherwise prision is pointless.

    Rehab is the only way effect the mental illness that acts as a compulsion to reoffend, and rehab is the only way to make the person understand what they are doing is wrong and hurts other people.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 312 ✭✭Eoghan-psych

    Kernel wrote:
    Evil can be a noun too, and we use it to explain lowlife anti-social degenerates. Are you really so pedantic?!

    I'm not being pedantic, I'm being sensible.

    Once you use something nebulous and vague like 'evil' to explain behaviour you are shutting down attempts to actually understand it. You are making the situation black and white when it is plainly grey.

    Why, for example, do many [and possibly most] pedophiles *never* even *contemplate* contact offending?

    Why are there so many child molesters who are *not* pedophiles?

    The world and the people who live in it are *far* too complex to use binary concepts like 'evil' to explain them. The notion of evil is what's known as an explanatory fiction - a reified adjective.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 312 ✭✭Eoghan-psych

    Wicknight wrote:
    I am not quite sure where you got this idea that the "mentally ill card" lets people away with these things. It doesn't. If you blow your wifes head off because you think she is actually a demon from the 3rd realm of hell you are obviously very mentally disturbed but you still spend your life in a maximum security wing of a mental hospital.

    Precisely - an explanation is *not* an excuse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Christ.. the Whacko Jacko fans are out today.

    I never said evil was a scientifically proven concept. It is a term that applies to an individuals personality and behaviour measured against the yardstick of civilisation - normal accepted behaviour. There are many variables which account for someone becoming an evil ****, as I mentioned. - nature/nurture.

    So, if every bad man out in the world and in prison is mentally ill, we should have no capital punishment at all? Sure, we can just *treat* them all in mental hospital. Is that what you guys are saying? I think you're living too long in the intellectual realm rather than the real world fellas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Wicknight wrote:
    Castration prevents someone from actually having sexual activity, it doesn't prevent sexual desire, as anyone with a fixed dog who continues to hump table legs will tell you.

    Wrong, the personality of the animal in question is transformed... usually to a much more placid creature. Would work a treat with all those nonces!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 312 ✭✭Eoghan-psych

    Kernel wrote:
    Christ.. the Whacko Jacko fans are out today.

    I never said evil was a scientifically proven concept. It is a term that applies to an individuals personality and behaviour measured against the yardstick of civilisation - normal accepted behaviour. There are many variables which account for someone becoming an evil ****, as I mentioned. - nature/nurture.

    So, if every bad man out in the world and in prison is mentally ill, we should have no capital punishment at all? Sure, we can just *treat* them all in mental hospital. Is that what you guys are saying? I think you're living too long in the intellectual realm rather than the real world fellas.

    Last I checked, we *already* have "no capital punishment at all".

    Yes, these people should all be treated in a mental hospital. A secure, locked mental hospital. As has been stated previously.

    There are no "whacko jacko" fans here. Nobody here is advocating anything other than serious action action child molesters.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Kernel wrote:
    So, if every bad man out in the world and in prison is mentally ill, we should have no capital punishment at all?
    Well for a start we don't have any capital punishment.

    Secondly, in America where they do, you cannot execute someone who does not understand what they did. That does not necessarily apply to all mentally ill people. A sex offender can understand they are hurting the other person but do it anyway. The nearly all certainly understand what exactly they are doing.
    Kernel wrote:
    Sure, we can just *treat* them all in mental hospital. Is that what you guys are saying?

    Answer me this Kernel. What purpose to society does it serve by not treating a sex offender in a secure mental hospital or mentally ill wing of a prision?

    If the sex offender re-offends when they are released could you say to the victim that has just been sexual assaulted that you are very sorry it happened but you really don't really think society should attempt to stop it from happening again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Kernel wrote:
    Wrong, the personality of the animal in question is transformed... usually to a much more placid creature. Would work a treat with all those nonces!

    That is to do with the realising of testorterion (sp?) produced in the animal's balls. Testosterion does not control the type of sexual and repression desires experienced by a sexual offender. Removing testosterion does not even completely remove normal sexual desire. It can lession sexual desire and aggression but does not completely remove it, especially in humans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    Kernel wrote:

    The mentally ill card gets played far too often in our justice system imo.

    How often exaclty does it get played? You say too much, how much is too much? Can you provide figures as to exactly how much it is played? If it is played *a lot* should we have a quota?

    Judge- Sorry mate we have filled our nutter defense quota for this month
    Defendant- But I am actually mentally ill, here are my records.
    Judge- Sorry mate more than my jobs worth.

    Yeah I suppose that might work.

    I am actually interested in how often it is used. I have no idea myself. I look forward to reading the figures you have used to base your "far too often" opinion on.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭pretty-in-pink

    Having read a lot of books on this (and similar matters), I can say with confidence that most child molesters act on a physco-sexual urge. They might not fancy children(undoubtedly some do fancy children), but they get sexual release from the mere act of causing someone else pain.

    Not to be confused with masochism, this is rather how they have come to express themselves. Most of them have been brought up in abusive, neglectful homes- and can only "get off" when they are in that coveted position of power. Most of them also eventually get off on the very things that were used to abuse them.


    Convicted killer(and a whole bunch of other stuff) in England. People were shocked by his crimes, and it was found he did suffer from mental illness. Interestingly, he wasn't born with it, his mind fractured due to the traumatic childhood he had. His mother was a prostitute, he was frequently abused by clinents of hers and his many "step-fathers". He had a pretty horrific life, but was still trying to be good. On top of all his home problems, he got bullied at school and on the streets, due to his neglected condition(smelly,dirty clothes etc). When eventually removed from his home, he was passed from foster home tp foster home. People thought he was stupid, and were generally quite horrible to him. He finally snapped, and went on his crime sprees, nice lad by day but by night he was dangerous. Now he wasn't evil, but he was very very sick, not an excuse for his crimes, but rather a reason.

    If we were to investigate a sexual predators(indeed any criminals)background, then we can try and help them.

    There is also a distinction between those who are pushed into doing something (think co-ercive persuasion), and those enjoy what they do. Example of the former being Myra Hindley and the latter being Ian Brady.

    People who perpetrate these crimes need help, and drastic actions such as castration will not remove the urge, its about power and control. Thats what governs their sex drive. They don't even need to touch the person to get off. Castration would only remove a "weapon", it would not remove the intent.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,327 ✭✭✭Nasty_Girl


    Convicted killer(and a whole bunch of other stuff) in England. People were shocked by his crimes, and it was found he did suffer from mental illness. Interestingly, he wasn't born with it, his mind fractured due to the traumatic childhood he had. His mother was a prostitute, he was frequently abused by clinents of hers and his many "step-fathers". He had a pretty horrific life, but was still trying to be good. On top of all his home problems, he got bullied at school and on the streets, due to his neglected condition(smelly,dirty clothes etc). When eventually removed from his home, he was passed from foster home tp foster home. People thought he was stupid, and were generally quite horrible to him. He finally snapped, and went on his crime sprees, nice lad by day but by night he was dangerous. Now he wasn't evil, but he was very very sick, not an excuse for his crimes, but rather a reason.

    Was that story covered in the "Children Who Kill" book?
    It sound familar

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