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lamentations on my son.

  • 18-04-2005 6:36pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 45


    The greatest personal challenge in my life is the one I am currently going through.
    Late last summer my former estranged girlfriend informed me I had a 7 month old son, I would not meet my son until he was 10 months old. I have not seen my son in 3 months.
    I miss him terribly. Everything I have done in my life was to be a better father and improve my life so that my kids wouldn’t have to grow up the way that I did. Now I don’t know if I will ever even get the chance to be a father to my child.

    I have tried to be my son’s father but the relationship with his mother is volatile at best and she has not allowed me to see the boy since Xmas. I am unsure as to her motives, and as a result we are now in court proceedings. Somewhere I never wanted to be with my child. I am trying to have the higher ground as mudslinging and names are called. I am being accused of some heavy things that I know in my heart I have not done.

    This woman has bullied me and taken from me for the last 5 years that I have known her.
    I guess that it is no surprise that she is now using custody battle against me because I refused to move to ST. Catherines to be with her as I still had university to consider.

    I am at a crossroads in my life as I do not know what the next door will open or what door will close. I am having trouble sleeping and eating, and all the old comforts seem meaningless. My university education is suffering from the fact that I have missed classes due to court and I have no idea where my life will take me next.

    I love my son dearly and I will fight to do what’s best for him even if it means sacrificing some of my own dreams because of it. I refuse to be forced into a situation beyond my control by a woman I once loved.

    I have not had the easiest of lives and I blame that partially on a custody battle when I was a child. I see that the downward spiral that became my life for many years was a result of the original custody battle between my parents. Now I am almost 30 and history repeats itself. I didn’t wish for this to happen but it has.

    All I want to do is be a good father to my son and show him the world in ways in which I never even thought existed. But I am being denied that.
