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Dbones poetry.

  • 18-04-2005 6:26pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 45

    we all make our own truths sometimes we have to deal with misplaced
    reality, sometime we dont want to hear the words being said.

    are you still angry, cuz i can't see the line's of hope drawn in yer

    the summertimes of our lives do not last forever, we just breath the
    wind and hope that it does.

    A Reflection of Me

    fall down, dont get up, best place for you to be a lost child, do i
    scare you?a reflection of me growing inside u, i am dead inside, i
    bet you know how that feels, what was taken from us was nothing,
    what was taken from us was something,lacerated sky,what was taken
    from us was hope, we continue our lives and try to forget, i see you
    ina mirror every morning, apiece of my soul, a part of my past, a
    reflection of me, do u see the same thing too?

    this bridge, this dream this music, this scene only one thing
    missing it seems, hold it tight as it fades in my hands, keep
    moving ,keep booting, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel

    what if you had a choice? but you went the wrong coulda had
    everything, you let it slip, keep trying to hold on, it's gone, once
    in a while a faded memory resurfaces, dreams become reality, life is
    only so many experinces, one wrong path on this road bring's it all

    a hand reaching out in the darkness to find u near-

    time to carry on, dreams seem to stick around,we hold onto them, we
    need something to be for tomoorow, who knows what will be?

    time heals all wounds or so they say, i don't know about this one.


    four walls and a funeral, this is my reward for my life, feverish
    dreams, murders not yet commited, screaming out for someone,just to
    hold me, someone whos just not there

    siiting in my little box, afraid to face the world,melancholy
    cigarette dripping from my lips, the world is a very scary place,
    behind these walls, it's safe. dont have to be anyone.betryaed by
    anyone.grasping at hopeless stars, barly hanging on

    wearing the cloaked, mad dreams of a thousand that came before,
    unbearable pain hidden within, broken, i am a man, i preserve

    standing in the doorway, a reflection of who u used to be.


    how can this love be unconditional when you placeso many conditions
    on me expectation,exploring an unknown that may never come,
    bitterness lingering between us like two countrys at war.well if
    this is war, laying my weapons downis the only option, i'm not here
    to fight, it'ds unconditional, it;s love

    i remeber being younger, happier, have we changed so much, we grow

    if love is unconditional, why does the world place so many
    conditions on us

    Ghosts in the Morgue

    memory dying away slowly,underage kids hiding away in the night, put
    yer hands up or well blow yer balls away, ghosts in the morgue, not
    yet dead are we.

    running away seems the only chooice, but ive already ran away as far
    as i can only choice now is to run back home

    running away, like the child ill somehow always be, the world
    feeling like it's closing in on me, i light another
    cigarette,exprience it all leave it to none

    when the dreamer is decived who does he have to fall back on?

    when dreams and money are all the same, the only true freinds you
    have are the ones you keep in yer back pocket.LOVE

    detriot vs. toronto

    here i am in the big city agian, wondering if they still talk about
    me in that small town, when i left i burnt every bridge to burn,
    maybe that town killed all my dreams, guess it's not always what you

    my soul skipping across the river, like a stone cast of destiny

    dont mistake love for loyalty becasue feelings can betray

    absorbed by the darkness of the night, only the light of the full
    moon remains

    Piss on yer Grave


    dedicated to the abusers:

    just because im educated doesnt make me any less violent, the anger
    is gone, the reasoning remains, a slow burning hate within my soul
    now im smarter now im learned, willing to hide in the shadows and
    play the system, just cuz i'm older dont think ive forgotten your
    stain of abuse still taints me, everything i am i am despite of you.
    i cant wait for the day isee your death. afterwards i will piss on
    yer grave.

    night turns to day, the morning sun burns my face, letting me know
    i'm alive

    peices of my soul dripping ,
    into cascades of glimmering,,
    a memory long since gone...
    a dream long dead.
    i put these hands of mine, i put my head in these hands.

    at 18 i felt old,
    now much older than that now,
    i feel half dead,
    but the blood still boils in my veins,
    still so much left to do till i can sleep.
