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Three Little Words

  • 16-04-2005 5:32pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 9,846 ✭✭✭

    Three Little Words

    There is no meaning
    To the life I'm leading
    You love me
    You hate me
    You leave me
    You keep me
    You forget me

    But I'll never forget
    Always keep
    Never leave
    Never hate you
    I love you
    Passing time
    My words never ryhme

    My soul is screaming
    My eyes are crying
    My heart is bleeding.
    Breath in, Breath out
    A simple task
    To cause such pain?
    Is this what loves about?

    Hate to feel
    Want to cry
    Hate to live
    Want to die
    Want to have
    Want to hold
    Your hands
    Your heart
    Your mind
    Your soul

    I'll keep them safe
    I'll keep them warm
    Take care of them
    As if they are my own
    If not, at least always know,
    Its true,
    I love you.

    Jan. 05. about the same guy as the others, written after my friend said that "three little words dont make everything okay!!!" (i love you) and that "they should bottle love and sell it as a perfume, they'd make a fortune!" but just three little words do do a hell of a lot!
    and Raphael I think its a bit longer than your "Long Poem"! tee!
