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Knacker Wedding

  • 02-07-2000 3:37am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,657 ✭✭✭

    A wedding took place between two families from Bishopstown. After the fight
    and slap up meal of Oxtail soup and sausages the newlyweds retired to their
    brand new caravan where the honeymoon festivities commence in earnest. As
    they start to remove their clothes the bride whispered softly "Be gentle.
    I'm a virgin."
    Withinout warning the groom flew into a rage. "A WHAT?? Why you lousy
    beor!" he spluttered. With that he flung her through the door of their
    caravan and drags her across the campsite to his fathers trailer. He
    hammers on the door. His bewildered father stumbles out of his caravan.
    "Son" he asks "what are you doing outside my home on your wedding night
    "Father" replies the tearful groom "she's a v-v-virgin." "WHAT?!?" The
    grooms father is incensed and grabs the bride by the arm and hauls her back
    across the campsite to her own fathers caravan. By this stage the whole
    is awake and the wedding party are closely followed by all of the
    the Cullinanes and the Keanes. He pounds on the brides fathers door. "Come
    out here ye dirty cheatin langer Connors" he bellows "I know you're back
    from Jamaica." "O'Leary, is that you? What do you want at this time of
    boy?" asks the brides father. "You can have her back !" roars the grooms
    dad, pointing accusingly at the sobbing bride. "You never said she was a
    "So?? SO?? By jaysus boy, if she's not good enough for her own family she's
    not good enough for mine."

    Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
