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Ubiquiti access points

  • 21-10-2024 10:45am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,489 ✭✭✭

    I am tired of fighting with the wifi of my Asus router so I think it's time to swap them all out for a unifi setup so I'm looking for a little advice (if anyone here went the same route)

    My IoT device count is somewhere between 100-120 devices so I need something that can handle all that and most of them only work with the 2.4g band.

    I was thinking either the ubiquiti U6+ or the U6 pro to start with and maybe I need two of them to cover the whole house + outside.

    I might go for the gateway ultra as well so I can control everything a bit better.

    The questions:

    1. Does the U6 pro have any big advantages over the the U6+ since I will mostly use the 2.4g band on it?
    2. If I get two of the APs or more, with the help of the gateway ultra, can they work as a sort of mesh network so I can keep the same network ids? Or will they have their own networks and I just need to connect the devices to the closest one manually?
