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Leaving Cert 2024/25 Log - Aimee :)

  • 24-06-2024 8:07pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7

    Hi everyone! I want to be held accountable in a way so i'll be updating on my progress in studying up until my LC!

    My subjects:

    1. Maths Higher
    2. English Higher
    3. Irish Ordinary
    4. Business Higher
    5. German Higher
    6. Chemistry Higher
    7. Biology Higher
    8. Ag science Higher

    "The only limit is yourself" little motivation for me there lol

    Its currently summer! I am mainly focusing on maths, German and chemistry they are my worst subjects :(

    As for the layout I'll but shows my to do list and what I got done from the list of course it is ideal i finish all of that list but hey life gets in the way. I will also be documenting the times i studied example: "I woke up at this time studied at this time blah blah"



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 aim0511

    Hi haven't been here in a hot minute!

    I done some work today! Woke at 11am today need to work on that lol anyways…

    • I done a hpat diagnostic exam, got 29th percentile :( ( I won't lie here I didn't pay attention to half the exam)
    • Done some chemistry study specifically history of the atom ( I always struggled with chemistry theory so this is useful)
    • Done some algebra pass paper questions ( definitely feeling my maths skills getting better )
    • Studied some german listening vocabulary german (listenings have always been the worst for me)

    Overall happy with the work done today :)

    Plan for tomorrow:

    • Review Hpat exam
    • Do a few hpat drills
    • Study geometry + algebra exam papers
    • Do a german listening
    • Study a chapter of business
    • Do Ag science project research

    Consistency is Key!

    Post edited by aim0511 on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 aim0511

    Hi everyone! it was a bit of a slow day today, had do to some well needed deep cleaning so it took up half the day :(

    I done some work today, little work is better than no work am I right? Anyways woke at 10am today getting a bit better!

    • I done some more algebra pass papers
    • Covered history of the atom just a look over from yesterday ( I am trying to learn by active recall)

    Definitely going to catch up on some work tomorrow for now i resttt :) ( july is tmr omg)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 aim0511

    Hi Everyone! I haven't said anything is a while :( I got really busy with alot of things. Safe to say that I am back and have been studying little by little, I got a job on the side to support myself in the gap year so hopefully I'll get grinds to help me a bit further. I am focusing on my weakest three which is maths, english and German. I'll be back updating by tomorrow! Now that I have a routine its been alot easier to study. 😁

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,374 ✭✭✭sprucemoose

    id say learn when to use 'did' and 'done' before you study anything else

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7 aim0511

    Hellooo its me inconsistency have not been updating this well hahah,

    I did 1 hour of hpat yesterday and Maths for an hour feeling good about myself!


    • hpat in the morning 45 minutes: My section 2 was actually worse than section 1 which was surprising
    • Maths 2 hour after work was very productive!
    • Chemistry for 1 hour

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