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Ireland For The Irish National Ruling Party Committee

  • 27-05-2024 9:56am
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    We move forward with our Decrees as follows.Ireland For The Irish National Party Ruling Committee(I.F.T.I.N.P.R.C.) shall maintain the purity of Ireland For The Irish.  We shall close our borders inwards immediately. No individuals allowed to enter. No raw materials are allowed to enter. No produce allowed to enter. No products allowed enter.No foreign hands. Ireland For The Irish.

    Those who wish to leave Ireland For The Irish must do so within three weeks and will not return. Genetic testing will be mandatory, if you are not 100% Irish you will be deported. If, for example, an individual is 99% Irish and 1% Scandinavian they will be deported.Ireland For The Irish.

    Women will birth a minimum of fifteen children generation through generation. The Patriot Women who bravely shouted at gates will with proud zeal give their bodies to the production of twenty children as will their daughters and so on. Ireland For The Irish.Our Police force shall be the brave masked Patriots who abused fellow Human Beings and set buildings alight. As we are Irish Patriots we will continue to speak the foreign tongue. Children will get Ireland For The Irish education for twelve years. The proud Patriots will indoctrinate the children to their virtue of hate.Ireland For The Irish.

    Now Patriots as  mentioned above we shall be completely self sufficient come what may. We shall organise rotas for 12 hour farm work shifts in order to grow our food. We of the Ruling Committee shall  ,with our zeal, work ten hours in the field and eight hours handing out decrees daily. However, unfortunately, we cannot work in the fields until the newly introduced emergency decree has been revoked. Ireland For The Irish.

    We shall no longer use graveyards. The dead and dying shall be fed to the pigs and we shall honour our people in the eating.

    The clothes and footwear worn now will be destroyed. We shall make our own and they will carry the logo Ireland For The Irish.

    Foreign made  goods such as all transport, fridges, cookers, microwaves shall be destroyed, Outdoor  communal cooking fires will be the norm.Ireland For The Irish. There will food distribution hubs for individuals to walk to.Individuals will have to walk 90 minutes  to their

     hub. If, for example, you live in Finglas or Foxrock and there is a food hub 5 minutes from you, it is forbidden for you to attend there, you must go to a hub at least 90 minutes walk away.Ireland For The Irish.

    There will be an Ireland For The Irish Religion. We will eulogise our fire starters, those who shout at gates , and abuse fellow Human Beings.If crops fail we will sacrifice someone else's child through the actions of the Patriot firestarters to ensure a better harvest the following year.Ireland For The Irish.

    This, Ireland For The Irish Patriots and its subjects is such a wonderful time  to be Irish.

    Listen out, more to come from a loudspeaker near you.

    Ireland For The Irish National Ruling Party Committee.

