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Dolby Atmos content in Ireland

  • 24-03-2024 10:08am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 120 ✭✭

    I have a Dolby Atmos soundbar connected to a Android TV box and a 6 year old LG TV.

    Do YouTube offers any Dolby Atmos content? I tried to play content that are branded as Dolby Atmos sound / music / movie, but all of it shows up as PCM format on the soundbar.

    Any TV provider offers 4k Dolby Atmos content in Ireland?

    If I download a true Dolby Atmos movie, put it in a USB key and attach it to the Android TV box and play it, to get the Dolby Atmos experience do the TV and the Android TV box need to be 4k Dolby Atmos capable? If Yes, can you please suggest an Android TV Box for me to buy?
