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Sell rental property to council or open market

  • 06-02-2024 10:19pm
    Registered Users Posts: 26

    I'm looking to sell my rental property. It was my primary dwelling for 9 years before I started renting it out 4 or 5 years ago through an estate agent. I've asked them for a guide price on the property if I was looking to sell and how much. Notice I need to give the current tenants.

    They've come back with a price of about 230k for houses in the area and that I need to give 180 days notice. They've also asked if I'd like them to get in touch with the council to see if they'd be interested in taking the house, this would mean I wouldn't have to wait out the notice and they could work on it with the tenant still in place. Something I never considered or knew was a option.

    Does anyone have experience in a similar situation? How does the council purchase work? Would I be better putting it on the open market to get a better price?

