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Windows 10 x64 - Turning off sing-in password requirement?

  • 28-01-2024 1:38pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,435 ✭✭✭

    I have two computers running Windows 10.

    On one, I have no password requirement set. When I go to Settings/Sign-In Options, there is a line saying, "Require Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft Accounts" and this box is unchecked. So, on startup the computer boots straight to my desktop.

    I'd like my other computer to do this, but....

    On the other computer, there is no, "Require Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft Accounts" option in Sign-In Options. It simply isn't there. There is a line "Require Sign-In" (also on the other computer) which is set to "Never".

    How can I make the option, "Require Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft Accounts" appear to I can uncheck its box?




  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,435 ✭✭✭Dinarius

    Sorted, without "Require Windows Hello sign-in.............." checkbox being used.

    1. Press Windows + R
    2. Type netplwiz
    3. Uncheck "Users must enter a username and password to use this computer."
    4. Enter and confirm password.
    5. Click Apply.
    6. Restart computer and it should boot straight to desktop.

