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Budget Ish Soundbar

  • 04-01-2024 5:52pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,917 ✭✭✭

    I have a basic JVC one at the minute but the remote is broken so can higher and lower with firestick but not power on/off (also if no sound after I think 15 minutes it goes off to add to the issue)

    I did have one from Lidl a month maybe ago but could not get the Firestick remote to control it, not listed and tried loads of random ones, so back to square one or not but another remote 

    Do I got cheap cheap (but have to be a nameish so can pair with firestick) and don't have much more than slightly better sound and obviously a remote to power on (yes the firestick can turn it on, but I am afraid i'll be watching stuff on headphones and then on comes soundbar and i dont realise it)

    Or pay silly money (almost the price of the 400 or so TV) on one like the Sonos Ray and still don't have Dolby Atmos, or is that even needed and just putting added cost on

    I have even looked up Cex, Amazon warehouse, back market, manufacturer own refurb, even on adverts (but still high 100s for something that might be broken or might last years it's a gamble)

    I have a Philips 43PUS7906 and the sound from the tv is ok, but lacks a kick 

    Thanks for any suggestions 


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,917 ✭✭✭jeffk

    Cant see edit button, its a box room so dont need a big setup
