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Wills , taxes for Irish resident formerly lived in USA

  • 14-12-2023 8:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1


    I am enquiring advice on my uncle’s will , he lived in Ireland for last 20 odd. years but also lived in America for previous 20years and had a trust fund in USA which was left to a number of beneficiaries, plus. An American pension, the Irish estate was split between myself and other nieces and nephews however the solictor has said that because of this American asset , my uncle estate may have to pay tax on this undeclared American asset ,I believe both wills were separate and all USA taxes are up to date , also possibly pay back the pension received in Ireland which he received the minimum non -contributory , which will come out of the Irish estate , also need to employ an accountant to ensure taxes are correct.  

    Any advice would be appreciated ?

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