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Beginners boxing gloves

  • 21-11-2023 9:47am
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hi, I'm a new user in this forum! I am a fitness trainer for 5 years. I am happy to share some knowledge about boxing gloves to my users.

    When it comes to choosing beginner's boxing gloves, there are a few key factors to consider. As a fitness trainer, it's crucial to guide newcomers toward gloves that offer protection, durability, and comfort. For beginners, opting for gloves with ample padding is essential to safeguard their hands during training sessions and prevent injuries. Look for gloves made from high-quality materials such as synthetic leather or genuine leather, as they tend to be more durable. Additionally, gloves with adjustable wrist closures provide a snug fit and better wrist support, reducing the risk of strains or sprains. Depending on the individual's training focus—be it sparring, bag work, or general fitness—a trainer might recommend specific glove weights. Lighter gloves (10-12 ounces) are suitable for bag work and speed drills, while heavier ones (14-16 ounces) are ideal for sparring to offer better protection. Ultimately, guiding beginners toward gloves that prioritize safety, durability, and purpose will enhance their boxing experience and keep them motivated on their fitness journey.

    Post edited by Spear on
