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Seeking Insights on living in Giltspur Wood / Old Court, Bray.

  • 21-10-2023 1:36am
    Registered Users, Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 1

    My partner and I have just found what appears to be our dream house In Bray, located in Giltspur Wood, and the seller has accepted our offer. After months of searching in Dublin, we eventually gave up due to the intense market conditions. So, we began to explore homes in Bray and finally found something we loved at first sight. The house is located in Giltspur Wood. However, we came across some information about a council estate just below it, called Old Court. We walked through it to get a feel for the area and felt completely safe, but this was during the day. Can anyone who has lived or currently lives around Old Court and Giltspur Wood provide insights regarding safety? We are in our early 30s and plan to start a family. Would this be a good area to raise a family and settle down? Is it safe? Thank you in advance!

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