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Recommend kitchen/bedroom radio with 4 presets?

  • 14-10-2023 9:21pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 266 ✭✭

    We're in a fringe reception area. We may have to give up on FM and go for internet radio. But it would be nice to have one with good FM reception and bluetooth too AND good sound quality. Most important for the intended user is to have at least four presets so they can switch among their 4 favourite stations without having to fiddle with tuning dials as on retro models and not have older eyes squint at a tiny display, which they find difficult. Four easy buttons please. Remote control is not essential, changing battery is something they'd have to ask me to do.

    What do you recommend? say 100 euro ish, max 200? Amazon UK or local? Should I ask this on another forum?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,868 ✭✭✭Apogee

    This came to mind, although it only has 3 radio presets. But you might find something similar

    This might be a better fit:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 266 ✭✭Sysmod

    Thanks Apogee. Isn't that a simple idea, leaving space to label the buttons with your chosen station name.

    I'll look it up. Others have recommended the Roberts 94L, about €200.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,868 ✭✭✭Apogee

    Based on personal experience, if you do have reliable wifi/internet, an Amazon Echo makes a decent, easy to use internet radio for an older person. Print out the instructions in large font beside it "Alexa, tune in Radio Kerry" etc
