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Extension and internal works project

  • 08-08-2023 4:52pm
    Registered Users Posts: 321 ✭✭

    We are at the planning stages of a project we want to do in 2024. We have the architect designs for the extension and the internal reconfig of rooms and next step is the planning application which we are working on at the moment with the architect. We intend to project manage this ourselves and we will have to move out of the house while it is done. We are estimating about 4 months and the hardest part will be how to keep the show on the road family wise with all this going on, finding temporary rental property close by (south Dublin) as the 3 kids are in school and we both also work fulltime.

    Has anyone not involved in the industry project managed an extension & internal reconfig themselves and how difficult is it? Its an open ended question really. We both work in tech so used to dealing with large scale projects, on a timeline, in a logical manner in a field we are comfortable in. This is totally another ballpark and while we know other people do this - would you recommend it if you have tried this yourself. Just looking for perspectives, pitfalls, advice, experiences anyone can share.
