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light weight concrete screed option Cork.

  • 13-04-2023 10:25am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 409 ✭✭


    Just found out engineer only engineered the floor for a max capacity of 1500kg/m3 for concrete and can find a screed that that is light enough or a place to deliver it. Needs to cover an area of 200m2 * 50mm so looking at around 10m3

    Can anyone advise where to either get bagged or mixed light weight concrete screed in Cork city for under floor heating. It has to be less than 1500Kg/m3. I already contacted a number of local concrete suppliers and their lightest screeds is anywhere from 2000-3000kg/m3 which is too heavy. found a few places online but all at least a 2-3 hour drive away so wont deliver.


    Post edited by grimeire on
