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Boiler Stove Advice

  • 13-02-2023 11:31am
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    We are installing a small heat store (180-210l) and having it linked to an oil boiler and a wood stove. Radiators totalling 21kw and so the oil boiler will be bought to that size. The room where the stove is located will need around 5-7kw from the stove to the room. 

    The reality however is that whilst using only the stove we would be needing only say 11kw (only need to heat some of the room radiators). I'd like to know what stoves would be best. Do you go for a a big stove and have to turn it down to accommodate the only 11kw that we will use (to prevent losing heat through heat leak radiator and F/E tank) or do you get one sized to about 11kw and have it pushing out it's full potential?
