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Detranistioners - Mod (Beasty) removed this from current affair forum.

  • 25-01-2023 10:55pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2

    (not a re-reg no, long lime lurker. Sorry if post format is not great, I can't post links. If mod could edit and disable yt thumbnails if that's possible? - F-to-M-to-F , started transition process at 15 years old, uterus removed, on medical treatment for life and in debt for medical bills. - M-to-F-to-M, had testicles removed on doctors advice while on hormones, now sees himself as a straight man. - F-to-M-to-F, hormone treatment for 5 years from 16 to 21. - F-to-M-to-F , self story. hormone treatment. - M-to-F-to-assisted-suicide, had bottom surgery. ( I couldn't watch this one )

    Those are just a small selection, most of ones above are unedited long interviews/casual conversations, so you can get an impression of the person if you watch them. But in any case these stories are popping up a lot more now. I could find another 20 but I don't want to clog up the post. Most of these people are still pretty young, mostly under 30.

    Now I know what the right-wing think about this, my question here is for the people who support trans rights, who consider themselves an ally to transgender people, or are at least accepting of transgenderism. To attempt to keep it on point, the question(s) are this:

    1) What was the gender of these people when they were transitioning?

    2) What is their gender now they have de-transitioned?

    The reason that I asked those specific questions is to frame it within the framework of self identification of gender.

    To state my views, I do not support the trans movement, I believe cross-dressing is thing ( hell I even did it once as a teenager ), and I believe people have different personalities/hormonal profiles which don't always align to the stereotypes of their sex, but I do not believe people are born in the wrong body or need to be recognized as another gender, but again, I've tried to keep the question(s) simple and within the framework of people who do support it.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2 aTallGlass

    I couldn't find the feedback forum (it used to exist)

    I think this a valid topic of discussion for current affairs, its a topic (detransitioners) which has not been discussed before on there.

    Mod (beasty) removed it because 'we dont need another trans thread from a new poster'

    Sorry for posting it here, if mods can move it to feedback forum if that still exists I would be happy.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Don't be spreading your thought crimes here..

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 81,097 Mod ✭✭✭✭Sephiroth_dude

    Closed and won't be moving it to feeback either, as it doesn't belong there.

This discussion has been closed.