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Blinding lights

  • 22-01-2023 12:36am
    Posts: 0

    So...I was out tonight and....leaving the beloved relative told me...the barman was "giving you the eye on your way out there"...and you know what I'd have probably given him it back only for .....I can't **** see! Lol...🥺 😎🤓😆😆

    Like I'm looking great (not in a vain way) and feeling in my prime (besides the eyesight) but can't even see when someones checking me out ffs! 😆😆

    When I could see, one of my favorite flirting pastimes was eyefucking... ironically in that case now.... I'm screwed lol 😆😆

    Maybe it's just evolution saying pass them by (let her pass you by cause her eyesight is fucked) 🤔😁😁

    How much is lasik?

