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Those in need of a Christmas day break, or some company... come on in.

  • 25-12-2022 8:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 15,919 ✭✭✭✭

    How's it been?

    Too much food, drink, too many people, not enough people, alone, forced jollity, sad day, I've had them all. Great to sit down now away from it all for a bit.

    How about you?


  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    For me, a day of blissful peace..

    Just me and my cats.

    My neighbours called in on Christmas Eve bearng wondrous and abundant gifts and provisions.

    Hey there were three of them!!!

    Then peace. Christmas lights; wonderful cathedral services from over the water. Turkey and stuffing, cranberry....

    Even donning wellies to wade the temporary moat in the deluge was fun!

    All I could wish for. A safe have, peace and abundance.. .. Abed and asleep early ! Suppertime now... lots of turkey breast and stuffing etc... Love leftovers....

    Just been out.... and there is a huge bright star shining high...

    Mystical Christmas night...
