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Planning permission for same house-again?

  • 10-12-2022 1:57pm
    Registered Users Posts: 394 ✭✭


    Myself and the girlfriend applied for planning permission for a new house nearly 5 years ago. The planning was granted. This planning permission will now expire in February 2023 and we want to extend the planning as we were not able to build the last few years. However, upon speaking to an engineer, he told us that since the planning is up in two months and we have not started construction, we will not be able to apply for an extension, but will essentially have to relodge the exact original house proposal as a 'new' planning application. Is he right here? He said there should be no proplem with getting permission again, but this is obviously devasting news to us to have to go back to square one if true.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,553 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Yes, the engineer is correct. It used to be the case that if you could prove you couldn't start building due to economic circumstances, you could apply for an extension of duration of planning. This was due to the recession where so many people's circumstances changed and they couldn't afford to start building.

    This has since been removed though. Now you can only apply for an extension of duration if construction is already on-going but just won't be finished by the time planning expires, so you're applying for an extension of duration to ensure you can finish building.

    So yes, a new planning application would be required.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 542 ✭✭✭mike_2009

    Mine is up in June next year and I'm trying to get my house sold so I can get to wall plate level before then. I'll still have to apply for an extension but if the sale takes too long it's going to be difficult to book builders etc in time. I only read about the change in regs regarding extensions last Autumn, it changed earlier last year. I would have extended if I'd known. Too late of course. I don't think I can afford to re-apply though.
