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Renovation to old house

  • 02-11-2022 11:40am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14

    Hello I am about to go renovating an old house it was built in rural Ireland in the 1930s. It has been lived in continuously so is in decent condition. We are hoping to put underfloor heating downstairs which means taking up the floors. The house was built out of mass concrete. Does anyone know is there a way to tell if the internal walls have foundations underneath. My understanding is it can be a huge job to take up floors if there is no foundations under the walls . Thanks


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,870 ✭✭✭ShamNNspace

    What type of house is it? Two storey or bungalow, I'm renovating a 30s 2 storey myself

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 907 ✭✭✭bemak

    Im in the same position as well. The existing floors are in good shape and it would be nice to dig them up and put down a new insulated slab - but it can be an expensive exercise and if money is tight there are probably other areas where it can be better spent in terms of the impact it will have to comfort levels in the house

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,870 ✭✭✭ShamNNspace

    When I cleared everything out I could see the floors were all over the place level wise and thin in parts so I bit the bullet and dug the lot out myself and have it ready for a subfloor, insulation and UFH

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 907 ✭✭✭bemak

    Well done, that's great progress
