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Air to water

  • 29-10-2022 8:36pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 74 ✭✭


    Just a query for ppl with air to water.

    We've had the thermostate pumped up in most rooms to 22 degrees but in some rooms it hits 18 or 19 and no more.

    Another room is 17 degrees. This is after setting the thermostate 8 days ago.

    Is this normal


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭MicktheMan

    Define normal :)

    I'm assuming you have the hp setup to run continuously.

    Normal or not, this does not sound good. Your house has not got to 20°C in a week of extremely mild weather. What will happen when it actually gets cold!

    I wonder if your system is a replacement for an oil or gas system in an existing house rather than a new house? If it is I would be fearful that you will be cold with very high electricity bills throughout the winter because not enough attention was paid to addressing your heat loss mechanisms prior to the hp install. Btw, if this is the case, you will not be alone from what I'm seeing.

    But the devil is in the detail so by giving more info about your house (type, age, history, etc etc) and your system, you might get more/better feedback.
