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  • 11-10-2022 5:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 18

    Hello. Ive had psoriasis for the last 20 years which is nearly half my life. I don't have massive patches but i do have lots of little patches all over my body including my face. I have stiffness in my knees but not confirmed as arthritis yet. Within the last year i have developed nail psoriasis and nothing works to clear it for me. Ive been to a dermatologist a few times and now she is recommending that i go on Stelara. I'm scared of the side effects and the lower immunity especially with Covid rampant again. i might get a cold at winter but nothing that knocks me out. I work in a job where i meet lots of different people every day. I know a face mask will help but the thought of having to wear a face mask for the next 40years (if i live that long) is terrifying. I'm due to start in the coming weeks. I've had my flu and pneumonia vaccine.

