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N11 Bus Park and Ride proposals

  • 05-10-2022 9:40am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,378 ✭✭✭✭

    NTA seems to have done a presentation to Wicklow CC as all the councillors are now on FB talking about it.

    Big P&R sites proposed at Ashford, Greystones (Kilpedder) and Bray (Fassaroe) with "dedicated" bus services - not mentioned in the document but councillors are saying these new services will go to places like Sandyford and Dundrum that are currently awkward to get to from the N11 corridor by public transport.

    How this relates to the stalled N11 upgrade, who knows. The only aspect of the upgrade currently being progressed is the extension of the N11 bus lanes as far as Fassaroe.

    My main concerns about this proposal are that people won't park, get out of the cars and wait for a bus, if that bus is then going to be sitting in the same traffic they would have been stuck in in their cars.

    Here's the proposal document (which also states it's part of a larger P&R strategy for all the main roads into Dublin):


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,286 ✭✭✭Pete_Cavan

    Buses are going to need dedicated lanes if they are going to be any way attractive. As part of the N11 junctions project, I think they should add bus lanes which go up a junction off ramp and then down the on ramp on the other side, particularly at Bray North. This means that other traffic doesnt have to cross the bus lane to get to/from the general driving lanes, minimising conflicts and meaning bus journeys are predictable. I also think there should be a greater focus on cycling to J6 Fassaroe P&R, there are a lot of houses within 1km of there and I'm sure a lot of people could be tempted to cycle and hope on a bus if it was a quick easy ride to get there.

    If they want a P&R at J6, they should retain a bus only on ramp northbound as the northbound merge proposed to be closed under the N11 junctions project.
