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Train Newbridge to City Centre

  • 25-09-2022 11:02am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2


    I’ll be commuting from Newbridge train station to Dublin City centre.

    I need to be in Trinity for about 8.50am, and am trying to decide between trains into heuston and the bus/luas or the Phoenix park train. I have some mobility issues so want to figure out the most comfortable/least hassle way into town

    I was thinking about trying the 7.19 train to Tara street. Does anyone know if it’s easy to get a seat at that time? Also what platform does this train go from? Or is it easier to go to Heuston?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,577 ✭✭✭lord lucan

    That train arrives in to platform 3,the bay platform at newbridge about 6 minutes before departure so if you arrive around 07.10 you should get a seat handy enough.

    It'll also save you a walk over the footbridge and up platform 1. If you go to Heuston there's a chance you could come in on the top of platform 8 for example and have to walk all the way from there to the Luas outside and still have to walk from Abbey street to Trinity.

    The Grand Canal Dock service will save you a good bit of walking so I'd go with that one at 07.19

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2 sept22

    Thank you!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,399 ✭✭✭bikeman1

    I’d second that train direct to Tara Street. Getting on at Newbridge where it starts is very helpful and if you have some mobility issues going from Tara St as opposed to ramming onto a luas a Heuston is far better.

    Get a good pair of headphones and line up some books and series to watch for the journey or go for a snooze. It’s a good service most of the time.
