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Aereco wall vents - upgrading

  • 13-09-2022 11:55am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 125 ✭✭

    I am upgrading my hole in the wall vents in my new build. Yep new house but the very basic hole in the went vents. Seems to be the normal in a lot of developments.

    I am looking at the Aereco EHT 2 vents for the bedrooms and living areas. Their whole system needs a central fan that then runs off the bathrooms and kitchen etc. I have an idea how the system works.

    What I am looking to do is install myself but use my existing holes in the wet rooms and put in a humidity controlled extractor in each of these. This will limit the need to duct up ceilings etc.

    In bedroom and living areas I will put the eht in the existing 100mm holes.

    Will this actually work? Has anyone done something similar? 


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 97 ✭✭Dangee4050

    I thought you could only buy those as whole package fan and all?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4 lebide

    @Sammy96 did you do this in the end?

    This is exactly what I'm looking to do - interested to hear your experience.

    Not sure if it's possible to buy those EHT2 vents if going with fans from a separate company though (e.g. Renson Waves or Vent-Axia)...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 31 Scr55

    I had Aereco DCV installed last year for all wet rooms (fan extractors) and it is very good. However, I heard that some new developments are not properly ventilated and vent ducts are not going outside the house (through the roof) but end in the attic :/ Keep that in mind and check your vents before you install extractors. In my case I did not installed wall vents as I was told that my window vents should be enough (when opened of course).

    My friend installed somenthing like this:

    and she is very happy with ventilation and heat recovery.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 125 ✭✭Sammy96


    I went with a decentralised heat recovery system instead. Cost a lot more but we are very happy with it. We put in the lunos system.

    In the end I wasn't keen on just an open wall vent/natural air type system to control flow and humidity.

    Any questions just ask.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,473 ✭✭✭tred

    I have demand controlled Aereco installed now more than ten years. I have had no issue wiht it at all. i have to replace the mosquito mesh on the outside of some. bar that all is well. I clean the fan in attic yearly with an compressor, youd be surprised all the dust builds up on it.

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