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Lost Cable / The Square

  • 18-08-2022 2:41pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,113 ✭✭✭

    Right, so first off I am an eejit.

    Cut to the chase, I left my charger cable in the 22Kw Type 2 charger at the Square Tallaght. Around 10.30 yesterday morning. In my defence we are holding vigil for my mother in law at Tallaght Hospital, my mind was elsewhere.

    Before I shell out for a new one, I am happy to offer a reward in case anyone here can help me get it back.

    Long shot I know, but as you already know I'm an eejit 🙂.

    Alternatively, if anyone knows the best place to buy a replacement, would love to hear.

