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Ard Rua - New build

  • 08-08-2022 7:57am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3


    I am looking at the new build estate Ard Rua in Waterford City. They are reasonably priced ( I think) but I dont know much about the area they are located in. Would any one know any more about this estate, the builder, the area and so on?

    They are built over 3 stories with an average sq m of 150. They claim to have a view over the river but there is some very tall trees up there that may block that.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 504 ✭✭✭Valhalla90

    A lot of work currently going on in that area, the Bilberry road is completely being redone to facilitate to Greenway into the city centre which will be a huge improvement. This site is facing the river but alongside here is the old foundry site which during the celtic tiger was earmarked for a large scale development with some high rise apartments. It didn't go ahead but the site is going to be more attractive with the link into the city centre now so id say development will happen eventually on this site so you could loose the river view. Overall you are very close to the city centre.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 808 ✭✭✭Dunmoreroader

    Less and less room for the Bilberry Goats up there. 🤔 Anyone know how they're fairing, I know there was a trust set up by volunteers to protect them but I haven't heard if they are still active? WCCC should be looking after them and getting the area left listed as a Protected habitat.

    I'm all for more houses, upgrading Bilberry Road, the Greenway etc. but not if it inexorably leads to the extinction of this unique herd of wild Goats - another piece of the city's heritage under threat.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭Azatadine

    The goats are still up there. Sometimes you can see them on the cliff face over the Bilberry industrial area. I'm amazed how they do not fall off the cliff! They are looked after by a trust I think and they look like they are doing well.

    On Ard Rua, looks like it will be a nice estate but some of the houses close to Quarry road have very little privacy. You can pretty much see directly into the houses as you come down Quarry road. I mean right through the houses, particularly the first one on the right. Also the houses closest to the road are overlooked by Bowefield so privacy not great either. Houses further back should not have these issues though
