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Funnel like cloud

  • 28-07-2022 7:02pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭

    Just a few pics of an unusual cloud from yesterday morning near Kells Meath that looked similar to a funnel cloud but most likely wasn't one due to the length of time it was there although it had a spiral like shape to it.

    Heading for Dublin yesterday morning and spotted this in the distance, it stuck out like a sore thumb. Seen it at 9am and it was still there back in the distance near 10am. In a hurry and the driver couldn't stop so pics taken out the window. Thought i'd share here.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 870 ✭✭✭DumbBrunette

    More likely to be a lenticular cloud I think. The altostratus clouds above indicate stable conditions so it wouldn't be a funnel cloud. The fact it seems to have formed above a hill is another sign that the cloud is formed by a standing wave. Looks cool and ominous though!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,597 ✭✭✭✭Supercell

    I'd agree, beautiful images though, thanks for sharing!

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 12,432 Mod ✭✭✭✭Meteorite58

    Was wondering if it might be the base of a tall Cumulus cloud parked there or more likely wedged in or seperated from the rest of the cloud above, maybe the upper winds giving it a nudge to get it to twist a bit and standing out against the more static Altostratus or / and the lower winds twisting it a bit and giving it that slight spiral look. The Sat Pic would maybe indicate some taller Cumulus or Altocumulus showing up in the early morning sunlight ?? Wonder was there any reports of local showers around that time. To me the Sat Pic and cloud top sat gif would indicate Cumulus or Alto cumulus moving along,maybe mostly above the Altostrataus , one cloud might have lowered and dragged in the middle layer cloud with the base seperating and becoming more or less stationary apart for a bit of rotation?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,809 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    I see some aspects of a lenticular cloud structure there but also some indication of a truncated funnel cloud. Perhaps it was mildly unstable at cloud base but stable below where the abortive funnel ends? Is a rotor cloud just a rotating lenticular cloud form? Sorry to answer questions with questions, I am dealing with the effects of three days of heat never seen before in Ireland although I am not in Ireland so that remains the case.
