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  • 18-06-2022 9:23pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 89,472 ✭✭✭✭

    Channel 4 drama Suspect starts airing this week, and it's looking like it will be one not to miss.

    The series has a cast stacked with British talent and a thrilling premise, which is based on an original Danish series called Forhøret.

    This Channel 4 version stars James Nesbitt as Danny Frater, a veteran detective on a mission to find the truth after his estranged daughter dies.

    Suspect begins 9pm on Sunday 19th June on Channel 4, meaning there's only a matter of days now to wait.

    The series is made up of eight episodes, each lasting half an hour. Channel 4 will air two episodes back to back nightly, meaning we'll get episodes one and two on Sunday, three and four on Monday, five and six on Tuesday and seven and eight on Wednesday.
