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Total portfolio value unclear on Interactive Broker

  • 02-06-2022 7:16pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21

    Anybody else using Interactive Broker? I set up an account recently to buy some UK investment trusts that aren't available on De Giro but I'm finding the interface quite confusing.

    The mobile app doesn't seem to display the total value of my portfolio anywhere or even of the individual holdings. It gives my current position in number of shares and the price but that leaves me trying to multiply myself for each one to work it out in my head.

    Am I missing something? Maybe there is a setting to change this?

    It seems to be designed for the more advanced trader compared to De Giro and the extra info is useful but I would have thought total value of holdings etc was basic data to be able to see?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,477 ✭✭✭Shedite27

    On the App, login and click "Home" on the bottom.

    Value is the big numebr on top of that. Nice graphs on that page to show how it's grown/shrunk over time too that you don't get on Degiro.

    It's a diffferent look to Degiro alright but once you get the hang of it it's much easier/clearer than Degiro
