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[WANTED] Bubble Bobble PCB Bootleg (working or not)

  • 23-04-2022 7:23pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 748 ✭✭✭

    ITEM: [WANTED] Bubble Bobble Bootleg PCB

    POST\COLLECTION: collection (from Leinster) or post

    PRICE: 100

    PAYMENT METHODS: Cash, PayPal or Revolut

    Looking to buy a bubble bobble bootleg pcb since it's the most played game on the groovymame cab here. If anyone has one to sell let me know. A discounted non-worker would be okay too.


    Post edited by Optimus Prime on


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 748 ✭✭✭80s Synth Pop

    This can be closed. Found a cheap non-worker on ebay.

This discussion has been closed.