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Washing/caring for a ceramic coated new car

  • 28-02-2022 6:40pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,405 ✭✭✭

    Apologies if Ive missed a very obvious "for beginners" sticky - I did look for one!

    For the first time, I bought a new car rather than a used car. I opted to pay extra for ceramic coat to be applied.

    I always used automatic car washes before but that's out the window now as I want to do a proper job.

    Is there a rough guide for what steps to take and in what order, and can anyone recommend some products for the various steps?

    I already have a karcher pressure washer so assume I should get a compatible snow foam lance for it. But just wondering where does applying the foam fit in to the two bucket wash approach.

    Any advice welcome.

