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Celebrities who faked serious illness

  • 05-02-2022 3:32am
    Registered Users Posts: 381 ✭✭

    Have any Irish "Celebrities"/public figures ever faked serious/terminal illness? You'd hear about it happening in America and Australia from time to time


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,019 ✭✭✭Hangdogroad

    Probably, but naming names might be problematic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,576 ✭✭✭Montage of Feck

    Everything about celebrity is fake.


  • Registered Users Posts: 26,976 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1


    I can think of one in particular who's every appearance on various TV and Radio shows for over 2 years had a subtle "Go Fund Me" narrative and feel to the appearance. I'll say no more .

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,570 ✭✭✭vriesmays

    Liz Taylor faked an illness and everyone thought she'd die. Her current movie out at the time won her an Oscar.

  • Posts: 8,856 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    “Mental Health” and “Suicidal thoughts” are the common ways celebrities stay in the news; we should fund scientific research into celebrities and bi-polar- every second one seems to have this condition, usually brought on after a flagging career or they got caught out doing something naughty that impacted their “brand” and hence, their employability.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,986 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    The whole Bosco woodworm thing was a total scam. I donated €10 to his Cuprinol treatment GoFundMe, and the fücker spent it on some fancy Farrow & Ball paint.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,402 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

    15 years ago, I met a young orphan.

    Both his parents had been killed in a bizarre accident... That's it! - a tree fell on them.

    This young man had nothing to his name except a dream.

    His dream was to own his own stable, with prize-winning horses.

    But he was afflicted by a disease that affected his speech.

    He could only communicate by raising his eyebrows - once for yes, twice for no.

    "If only I had a whistle "so I could train my horses to win the Grand National," he thought.

    That same boy wrote to me five weeks ago ....

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,402 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

    Father Crilly was just telling us about your friend, dying.
    Who was that, Ted? Um Er Old Jim.
    Ah, is he dying? Poor old Jim.
    He won't like that.
    He's terribly down about it.
    - Wait a second.
    Jim Halpin? - Yes.
    I was talking to him earlier and he didn't say a thing.
    Well, that's Jim.
    Brave is not the word.
    He's just outside.
    Hold on and I'll get him.
    What's he doing outside? He should be in bed.
    I met him earlier.
    He wanted the lend of some sugar.
    Dougal, at a moment like this, this man needs peace.
    Don't - Hello, Jim.
    - Hello, Father.
    Hello, Sisters.
    Now Jim, you never told me you were ill.
    What? Oh, I had a bit of a cold a few weeks back.
    A cold? Ted said you were dying.
    Dying? Oh, no.
    I don't think so, anyway.
    It's just I was talking to Dr Sinnott.
    He said He said you might be dying but he wasn't 100% sure himself so don't go off worrying unnecessarily.
    - I'd better give him a call.
    - I wouldn't go calling him, Jim.
    And why not? He He can't use the phone.
    He's gone deaf.
    Dr Sinnott's gone deaf? That's terrible.
    It is.
    Oh, wait a second! There he is now.
    Dr Sinnott! He heard that all right, Ted.
    Doctor, would you have a moment? Wait, I've just remembered.
    Ha! Jim is not dying and Dr Sinnott's not gone deaf.
    I was thinking of two different people.
    So you will be able to say tonight's Mass? Yes! Yes, I will.
    Of course.
    Thanks to Father Dougal for clearing up that misunderstanding.
    Ted, you're hurting me.
    I have to go straight after this.
    - You'll have to look after the nuns.
    - Fair enough.
    - What'll I do with them? - Whatever you want.
    - Try not to kill them.
    - No chance of that, Ted.
    - Remember Sister Janita? - Oh, yeah.
    That was a bit too close for comfort all right.
    Just be careful this time.
