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He's Going To Blow Your Brains Out

  • 28-01-2022 10:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 665 ✭✭✭

    The Mafia are worried. Collectors working in their protection racket keep getting pulled by the police and, under interrogation, tell all the details. The big bosses hold a meeting and come up with the ingenious idea that if they hire deaf and dumb people then they cant squeal if arrested.

    The first guy they hire is a lumbering giant, and he is sent out with a list of business's to collect varying sums of money from with the instructions to be back by 7pm. By 9pm he is still not back so they send out the enforcers to find him.

    The guy is found and dragged back to Mafia HQ whereupon the big boss instructs an interpreter to ask him where the money is. He speaks to him in sign language saying: "The boss says where is the money"? The deaf and dumb guy signs back: "Tell him I don't know what he's talking about". This is relayed to the boss who then immediately pulls out a gun and puts it to the deaf and dumb guys head and says: "Now ask him where the money is".

    The interpreter signs to the guy: "You better tell us where the money is or he's going to blow your brains out". The deaf and dumb guy immediately signs back: "I buried it under the third tree along from the side entrance to Central Park".

    "What did he say"?, the boss asked. The interpreter replies: "He says he doesn't know what you're talking about and you haven't got the balls to pull that trigger".
