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Prince Charles Kills A Hedgehog

  • 28-01-2022 8:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 665 ✭✭✭

    Prince Charles is driving down a country lane in his fancy, expensive car...

    As he turns a corner, suddenly a hedgehog scuttles out from the bushes into the middle of the road.

    Squish! He's going at such speed he can do nothing about it and runs over the hedgehog, completely flattening it.

    "Oh my word", he exclaims, and jumps out of the car close to tears.

    "Poor little hedgehog", he mutters, and picks the dead creature up.

    "What can I do", he wails.

    Just then a tree fairy appears from a tree at the roadside.

    "What seems to be the problem", asked the tree fairy. "I can make dreams come true you know".

    "It's this poor little chappy here", replied Charles, "Is there anything you could do for him. Could you make him better?"

    The tree fairy took the squished hedgehog and said: "Sorry, I'm afraid he's as flat as a pancake and quite dead, and beyond help. Is there anything else you might wish for?"

    Prince Charles replied: "No, I don't think so", but then thought for a few seconds and said: "Well there might be one thing".

    "And what might that be", replied the tree fairy.

    "Well", said Charles, "Camilla is not.. ermm... how can I put this. She's not the most attractive woman. Is there anything you could do to make her more beautiful?"

    The tree fairy replied: "Give me another look at that hedgehog".

