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People Who Have Been Involved with Different Stations with the Same or Similar Name

  • 11-01-2022 10:06pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,436 ✭✭✭

    To illustrate what I an talking about, here are some people who were involved with the stations under the headings.

    Radio Nova - current licensed classic rock station, and 80s superpirate:

    Greg Gaughren, Colm Hayes, John Clarke, Mike Moloney and Hugh O'Brien

    Q102 - currently licensed, and 80s superpirate:

    Scott Williams, Aidan Cooney, Gerry Stevens, Liam Coburn and Jason Maine

    Sunshine 106.8 (currently licensed) and 80s superpirate Sunshine Radio/Sunshine 101:

    Joe Harrington and David Dennehy

    Capitol Radio (1975-1981) and Capital Radio (1989-1991- Now called FM104):

    Chris Barry

    Capitol Radio (1982) and Capital Radio (1989-1991- Now called FM104):

    Scott Williams and Dave McGrath

    Capitol Radio (1983-88) and Capital Radio (1989-1991- Now called FM104):

    Dave McGrath, Dave Kelly and Gerry Stevens

    Club FM (90s dance pirate) and Club/Klub(?) FM (late '00s dance pirate):

    Ian Walker

    Kiss FM (Dundalk pirate), Kiss106 (Northern Ireland) and Kiss100 (London):

    Enda (W.) Caldwell

    Any more examples?

